Tagliatelle con gli strigoli - Tagliatelle with wild field weeds
Strigoli is Italian for bladder campion - a weed native to Europe, where it is also eaten in some countries such as Italy and Spain, but also widely spread in North America, where it is merely considered a weed.
In Italy, it grows in the woods or in the hills, between the rows of vines, or even along the ditches. Today it can be bought in small grocery shops or at farmer's markets.
One of my favorite memories is sometimes when arriving home, there was a nice plate of tagliatelle with ragu ai stridoli waiting for me and my grandmother used to say: "I was given some bladder campion so I made a bit of ragù." To me, it always seemed as if that plant just appeared from nowhere.
However, the best version of this lovely sauce I have ever tasted comes from my friend's mom, Mrs. Bruna, so here it is for you to try.
In Italy, it grows in the woods or in the hills, between the rows of vines, or even along the ditches. Today it can be bought in small grocery shops or at farmer's markets.
One of my favorite memories is sometimes when arriving home, there was a nice plate of tagliatelle with ragu ai stridoli waiting for me and my grandmother used to say: "I was given some bladder campion so I made a bit of ragù." To me, it always seemed as if that plant just appeared from nowhere.
However, the best version of this lovely sauce I have ever tasted comes from my friend's mom, Mrs. Bruna, so here it is for you to try.
300 gr of bladder campion
50g of fresh bacon
1 shallot
1 clove of garlic
50 grams of tomato or tomato puree
2 Tbsp. of dry white wine
salt and pepper to taste
parmesan cheese
Tagliata la pancetta a quadrettini piccoli, la si fa soffriggere nell'olio con la cipolla tritata finemente e lo spicchio d'aglio in camicia.
Si sfuma con il vino bianco e si lascia evaporare.
Nel frattempo si tritano finemente gli strigoli, si aggiungono nella casseruola e si lasciano cuocere per 5 minuti.
Si aggiunge quindi sale, pepe, conserva e si aggiunge acqua, lasciando bollire il tutto per 20-30 minuti.
In acqua bollente e salata si cuociono le tagliatelle, e, una volta scolate bene, si passano nella padella con il ragù di strigoli e una buona grattata di parmigiano.
Si sfuma con il vino bianco e si lascia evaporare.
Nel frattempo si tritano finemente gli strigoli, si aggiungono nella casseruola e si lasciano cuocere per 5 minuti.
Si aggiunge quindi sale, pepe, conserva e si aggiunge acqua, lasciando bollire il tutto per 20-30 minuti.
In acqua bollente e salata si cuociono le tagliatelle, e, una volta scolate bene, si passano nella padella con il ragù di strigoli e una buona grattata di parmigiano.